Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 7

Letters to Soldiers

Self Portrait

Day one- follow along and do proportions in crayon
Day 2
Look in mirror and draw pencil portrait

Now do one in pen & ink.

watercolor in.

Go to Henri Rousseau collage NGA Kids- and Romare Bearden?

Japanese sumie- practice strokes, then paint a final bamboo painting- dont use stamp letters cant trust 3rd hour

Mon & tues japanese sumie

Wed & Thurs- Final painting: Bamboo, Atumn grasses & Insect, Ancient Plum tree (with red blossoms) or Chrysanthemum & Moon & Insect

Stamp name with initial letters.

wed thurs fri black & white collage?

or------ white vlaue painting
Next weeks

Portraits-- Frida Kahlo-- it will relate to the students! propportion- human face- color tempera


important to look at every 2 or 3 weeks. Get a sheet like Mr. W. so I know what is missing- & grade it more exact

Fridays the students can combine what they have learned into an imagination drawing!

Know the Artist

re-do worksheet.

explain analyze criticize, medium, subject style, place of birth & how we're fulfilling state core.

Make a team discussion game afterward

choose a painting by the artist describe it, and have a partner draw it!! use descriptive words!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 6



it was chaos to gather artwork- The kids should have it organized all along in a binder- binder hard at first but pay off along the way-- all assignments could fit in the binder & have title pages- I have lost track of too much artwork- It could be graded in chunks, like CTE
Picasso drawing upside down-- horse also.
Self- assess sketchbooks
Know the artist

They didn't get it-- it should be at the beginning- I rushed through the demo-- Spend TIME drawing the bottles with them. Make the bottles see through

Don't divide the top-- too confusing! Each section shad step one would have been the value chart!

They had already done the realistic shaded still life-- it was too hard to backttrack-- Value chart- see through still life-- then shaded still life.

Shading forms

Form worksheet
hand out 4B or 6B pencils

Draw still life in sketchbook

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 5

Finish tempera still life-
or make another one. show NGA still life slide show.

value chart

next- book mark

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 5

WHY art?
to make our lives better to help us feel to recognize a painting to help us learn to paint better

DVD & worksheet- Van Gogh
grade assignments & sketchbooks

Day 2

intro shading

color assignment van gogh ppt. tempera still life with shading

begin shading drawing

more about COLOR

tempera still life with shading

COLOR intro

Color mixing

primary secondary terciary

color wheels (make new color wheel)

Color shapes

show watercolor box from England

Color poetry?

Tempera still life
Friday color computer sites